Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Chicken Stu Clucks On

Super excited for another day.

A big perk of this resort is that they do your laundry for free!  That is awesome for someone who is going to be gone for a month.  Although I just realized that I turned in my travel clothes like the first day (Sunday) and I still haven’t gotten them back.  So if there is a long turnaround time, I need to factor that in.

Crap.  I went to go put a note in my Nudibranch Life List spreadsheet and I can’t find it.  Where would I have saved that!?!?!?  Fuck. Really.  I have no idea where that thing went.  I’m so bummed.  I spent at least a whole weekend working on that.  Ugh.  Seriously, I cannot find it anywhere.  Why didn’t I at least email that thing to myself or back it up.  Dammit!  I wonder if I can go back in time on my machine and see if I can find it.  Oh, I guess it needs to be set up before I can use it. Ugh!

Pat forgot her mask on the first dive, so she earned one of the little Chicken Stu keychains I brought. 

Graham and I did some reminiscing on the boat about Jamie and Juha (swim like a Fin) and Jesse. They were all guests on the PNG Peter Hughes boat when he and I met.

Pat rented the Kona Aggressor for her husband’s retirement and kept it a secret from him.  She flew family and friends in for the week long event and decorated the boat.  He knew he was flying first to Kona but didn’t know where he was going after that.  Then when they boarded the boat everyone was there and yelled “Surprise”!!!  

There are two Judiths here at the resort.  They are snorkelers, not divers.

One of the Judiths blows glass.  Like is an accomplished artist in the craft.  And did it in Italy with some high end professionals.  She told some stories and is really into it.  I asked what she did with her pieces.  She said that some of them she sells but many of them she buries in the forest near her house.  She figures someone will find them someday.  Huh.  She also had a real job both teaching high school and college student.  She’s a trip.

The other Judith has blue hair.  Literally. She uses a toothbrush to put one streak of bright blue in the front of her short gray hair.  Crazy.

After seeing the rubber chicken ceremony, Judith and Judith told me that they were once a guest on the Palau Aggressor and they started talking about how that boat had a similar tradition. I let them walk me through the whole story about how it hangs above a diver on the skiff and how one of the Judiths was tricked into having it hooked on her tank during the dive.  After they were all done, I told them that I was the one who brought the tradition to the boat.  They thought that was AMAZING.  And that it was such a small world.  I wasn’t on the boat the week they were there though.  Bhoyet was the Photo Pro that week.

David flooded his camera on the second dive.  It seems like his camera is out of commission now.  I told him to try the rice trick where you put rice in a Ziploc to pull out the moisture.  I told him I couldn’t promise anything, but I’ve seen it work!  

Here are the nudis I saw today:

49 - Dorisprismatica balut

50 - Doriprismatica atromarginata

51 - Sagaminopteron psychedelicum

52 - Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa

53 - Ceratosoma gracillimum

54 - Stiliger aureomarginatus

55 - Halgerda batangas

56 - Hypselodoris maculosa

57 - Chromodoris striatella

58 - Phyllidia coelestis

59 - Goniobranchus reticulatus

60 - Chromodoris sp. 3

61 - Phyllidia sp. 9

62 - Phyllodesmium colemani

63 - Marionia arborescens

64 - Godiva rachelae

65 - Dermatobranchus sp. 3

66 - Nembrotha cristata

67 - Dermatobranchus sp. 8

68 - Trapania aurata

69 - Chelidonura varians 

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