Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Hola Mola Mola

Only two more days of diving.

It was one of the boat guy’s birthday.  Heinke I think.  He turned 28.  Their tradition here is that they crack eggs on their head and push them in the water to clean up.  So they don’t make them “a cake”, just the eggs.

The first two dives had some pretty good current but I still found some cool things.  A Gastopteron and a Jorunna rubescens with its penis out!  I was obsessed by it and took pictues and video of it growing and shrinking.  It also had the same exact pattern on it as the nudi.  Francis thinks that this should be a tattoo!

Pirjo keeps saying that she is going to order us mask straps so then we said it should have a picture of the Jorunna rubescens penis on them.

The sea was doing crazy things.  It was like rolling waves and then choppy waves.

I jumped in with a Mola Mola on the way back from the morning dives.

On the night dive, we were bouncing along trying to find things.  And a came across a bra.  Just sitting there.  With crinoids under the armpits.  I picked it up and gave it to Pirjo and asked her why she left her bra down here.  We were both laughing though our regulator.

We were a little silly at dinner.  These guys are obsessed with John Travolta so I showed them the new commercial where he is dressed up as Santa Claus.

I think I’m getting a little giddy.  I was telling stupid jokes at dinner and laughing at random memories with Pirjo.


221. Doto ussi

222. Chromodoris cf. strigata

223. Sagaminopteron nigropunctatum

224. Colpodaspis thompsoni

225. Madrella sanguinea

226. Mexichromis multituberculata

227. Platydoris pulchra

228. Phyllodesmium koehleri

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