Tuesday, December 5, 2023

BuBu You're My Boo

I got up before the call to prayer at 3:45am.  We chatted about that and it is interesting.  Why do they need to project this throughout the villages?  Why can’t they just do it within their mosque.  I wonder why they do this.  It would never be allowed in France or the US.

Today we went to Pool Party and Apuri Bay.  They were both so beautiful and we also found a good amount of nudis.  More at Apuri Bay than Pool Party.  

We were laughing that it is not Poo Party.  But that we would see Boo Boos down below, which are these bamboo cages where the fish swim in and cannot get back out.  Rhome said that Boo Boos are also dresses that women wear around the house in Paris.  Oh, we call them Moo Moos.  But when someone has a scratch, that’s a Boo Boo.  Oh man.  Now my head hurts.

I talked to Rhome about this and there are all different spellings:

BuBu = Fish Trap

BouBou = African dress

BoBo = Owie in French

Boo Boo = Owie in English

Your Boo = Significant other

Boo! = Scary Ghost says…

Bout = Then End in French (and the end of this paragraph)

We lost power for a bit, but they have a generator so everything still worked but the air con.

I keep thinking that I need to do a lifecycle of the nudibrancher…

o Being told what a nudibranch is

o Spotting one on your own for the first time

o Taking a picture of one for the first time

o Spotting things that look like nudibranchs but aren’t (sea cucumbers, flatworms, blobby things, etc)

o Looking for nudibranchs on land by accident

o Taking beauty shots of the nudibranch

o Upgrading your camera to take a better picture, that point and shoot sucks!

o Finding out there are others who also like nudibranchs

o Planning all your dive travel around finding nudibranchs

o Counting distinct Nudibranch species on each dive trip

o Going on group Citizen Science trips where all the group is doing is finding, photographing and identifying nudibranchs

o Buying articles of clothing with nudibranchs on them

o Knowing all the scientific names

o Learning that the second name should always start with a lowercase

o Learning that the names ending in “i” are named after a male, “ae” are named after a female

o Being frustrated that the scientific names keep changing

o Getting to know some of the Scientific Experts who name new nudis

o Reading the Scientific Papers about new nudis

o Getting to know people who nudis are named after

o Wanting to get a nudi named after yourself

o Arguing a nudibranch species at Nudi Council

o Creating a talk about nudibranchs to present at your local dive club

o Posting nudibranch ID questions to NudiBase or Nudibranch Central on Facebook

o Getting mask lens changed so underwater vision is better

o Getting a tattoo of a nudibranch

o Taking so many pictures your trigger hand hurts from carrying the camera

o After so many years, being unsure if you should upgrade your camera again

o Graduating to Blackwater or hanging up your dive fins

As I think about it… maybe these are the chapters to my memoir - coming out someday (or never).

My lens cap is no longer holding to the port.  I thought this day might come.  I need to figure out if I can buy just a new cap.

Moving right along…

138. Ceratosoma gracillimum

139. Thecacera pacifica

140. Elysia sp. 15

141. Janolus sp. 1

142. Philine orca

143. Dermatobranchus tuberculatus

144. Goniobranchus hintuanensis

145. Dermatobranchus sp. 18

146. Phyllidiopsis krempfi

147. Goniobranchus kuniei

148. Glossodoris cincta

149. Marionia sp. 9

150. Tenellia sp. 29

151. Goniobranchus collingwoodi

152. Glossodoris atromarginata

153. Nembrotha milleri

154. Marionia rubra

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