Friday, March 8, 2024

House Swap

I am starting to get tired of my vacation.  It would be one thing if my camera was working well and I was into learning all of these photo techniques, but I am just trying everything possible to keep it working over these last few days.  

I am trying to stay positive and enjoy the diving itself.

I made all four dives.  I was cold and was going to give up on the night dive but I am so glad I went.  I saw many new nudis for this trip and a couple that were new to my life list.

There is an anemonefish on the wreck named Grimace who has lived here for years.  He has something wrong with his lip so everyone can tell exactly which fish he is.

I shared with Mike that he should have a five timers club like they have for Saturday Night Live.  Instead of smoking jackets, the people who have come to Crystal Blue five times or more should have a special hood where they could have stars or patches on it.  

After dinner I decided to change the housings… just to see if that fixes things.  I took a few shot and I am pretty sure it blacked out once.  Oh well, let’s just try using this other housing for a bit.

Here are the super cool nudis today

119 - Mexichromis trilineata

120 - Phyllidiopsis pipeki

121 - Jorunna sp. 3

122 - Nembrotha mullineri

123 - Goniobranchus reticulatus

124 - Phyllidiella annulata

125 - Melibe digita

126 - Hypselodoris pupureomaculosa

127 - Unknown

128 - Chromodoris hamiltoni

129 - Goniobranchus albopunctatus

130 - Phyllidia coelestis

131 - Phyllidia sp. 1

132 - Ercolania endophytophaga

133 - Phyllodesmium kabiranum

134 - Trapania aurata

135 - Hexabranchus sanguineus (juvenile)

136 - Phyllodesmium magnum (juvenile)

137 - Ceratosoma gracillimum

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