Saturday, March 2, 2024

Banana Ketchup

I slept like a baby on the ferry.

Since I had a private cabin, the crew brought me my breakfast as room service.  It came with banana ketchup.  Now, I love the taste of banana.  The faker the better.  But this was like a weird flavor of red ketchup.  No thanks.  

I met everyone attending the Photo Workshop.  They are very nice.  14 people in total.  Americans, English, Australian.  

We had lunch together and then an orientation briefing.  I am not sure how “all in” I can be with this given my camera is really not functioning.  They have all of this different concepts and ideas they would like us to try.

I was reminded today how hilly it is here in Anilao.  The driver for the van from Batangas Pier was scared to go down Crystal Blue’s driveway.  Then I was so grateful that the room I was given isn’t on the top floor as there are SO MANY stairs to climb.

Mike is working on getting me some shoes to wear out to the boat.

Our first dive is at 3:30pm, so I had some time to finish up my nudis from Romblon.

No shoes yet, so I just used my flip flops to get on and off the boat.  It wasn’t too bad.

We found lots of nudis on the afternoon dive but my battery was dying.  Oops.  I don’t think I changed.  Also, I completely forgot to grab my torch for the night dive.  Doh.

So since it was just me on the boat, we went back to the resort and just did the house reef.  It is pretty deep and we spent most of the dive at 50-60 feet.  Toward the end of the dive my computer read zero.  WTF?  Oh, no more bottom time.  Crap.  We started coming up but then Jhomar found a couple of harlequin shrimp.  I had two minutes… so I went back down and shot it just enough to prove we saw it.

I am starting over with a new list in Anilao.

1 - Glossodoris acosti

2 - Elysia cf. degeneri

3 - Reticulidia fungia

4 - Goniobranchus reticulatus (juvenile)

5 - Phyllidia ocellata

6 - Goniodoridella savignyi

7 - Thecacera picta

8 - Hypselodoris tryoni

9 - Unknown

10 - Chromodoris strigata

11 - Doriprismatica sibogae

12 - Goniobranchus geometricus

13 - Phyllidia varicosa

14 - Phyllidiella pustulosa

15 - Nembrotha chamberlaini

16 - Goniobranchus fidelis

17 - Okenia brunneomaculata

18 - Chromodoris annae

19 - Aegires villosus

20 - Gymnodoris sp. 3

21 - Chromodoris sp. 2

22 - Thorunna furtiva

23 - Odontoglaja guamensis

24 - Thuridilla gracilis

25 - Ardeadoris averni

26 - Phyllidiopsis fissurata

27 - Chromodoris willani

28 - Goniobranchus hintuanensis

29 - Samla bilas

30 - Jorunna rubescens

31 - Phyllodesmium pinnatum

32 - Hypselodoris reidi

33 - Glossodoris rufomarginata

34 - Phyllodesmium hyalinum

35 - Hypselodris decorata

36 - Halgerda batangas

37 - Diversidoris crocea

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