Saturday, February 24, 2024

Que Bella Dolabella!

I woke up sooo early excited to work on my slugs.  I found out that 3P has an AWESOME Nudi ID already posted on their site.  This will make things so much easier for me!

The morning dives were over by the Taiwanese Resort.  There was nobody there… and it was just being built the last time I was here.  This is where they find the Melibe colemani EVERY TIME.  And I was not disappoint.  It was awesome.  I even got a Cyerce nigra to look right at me for many shots.  I am so thrilled.

Lunch was super fabulous too.  A spicy peanut sauce coleslaw thing and a great chicken stir fry with veggies and noodles.  I paid my compliments to the chef and he said that he left out the tomatoes for me.  Yum!  That is so great.

In the afternoon, I felt like I was finally getting into my groove.  I wasn’t just running nudi to nudi.  Instead, I was taking my time to make a good photo.

The night dive was awesome.  It was just me and my guide Erap.  We saw so many things but the most notable was two ginormous Dolabella auricularia.  One was black and one was mottled gray slimetrailing.  They were each the size of a football.  They were so big I could not get a picture of them with my macro lens.  I tried to get just their head but even that was a challenge. 

This is another much smaller color variation:

Dinner was ok, but I ordered the coffee ice cream for dessert.  It is the best thing ever.  Piera got some with rum raisins on it. We traded our “when COVID hit” travel stories.

Such a fun nudi filled day!

66 - Hallaxa fuscescens

67 - Phyllidiopsis striata

68 - Doto sp. 6

69 - Chromodoris lochi

70 - Melibe colemani

71 - Phyllidia exquisita

72 - Phyllidia sp. 1

73 - Facelina sp. 1

74 - Tambja kava

75 - Melibe engeli

76 - Phyllodesmium pinnatum

77 - Elysia sp. 28

78 - Chelidonura varians

79 - Elysia tomentosa

80 - Hypselodoris tryoni

81 - Trapania aurata

82 - Thordisa sp.

83 - Haminoeid sp. 8

84 - Tritonia sp. 3

85 - Marionia distincta

86 - Trapania sp. 4.

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