Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Half a 'stache

I have taken to wearing my headlight lamp everywhere when it is dark.  I look like a total dork but it makes me feel better.

We did two dives in the morning.  The first one at Apuri Bay was like Disneyland.  It was so beautiful and a found a few new species.  The second dive was a little boring.

Judith stole my favorite guide Nikko from me.  How dare she!!!  He took her and the new girl from Italy diving.  Cheryl and I had a different guide.

My air 2 started free flowing on the boat and I couldn’t get it to stop. That was a little scary.  I think there was just some sand in there in the wrong spot.  Ugh.  It worked fine during the dive.

Reilly’s girlfriend Olivia arrived at the resort.  She is so young and sweet.  They are both from Minnesota… not far from where my sister lives.

In between dives, this fisherman paddled up to the resort in his dugout canoe with a huge big eye tuna.  The resort bought it and we had some for dinner.  It was my favorite dinner yet.  We had chocolate cake for dessert.

We started talking about Advent Calendars… and I thought that there should be one for Nudibranchs where each day you open a picture of a new nudi.  How cool would that be?

Afterward, Max imitated these funny Russian guests that they had a few weeks back and held “Cheese Club” where he opened up some really stinky cheese and had a glass of wine.  Ewww I could smell it all the way down at the other end of the table.  No thank you.

Here are the nudis we saw:

82 - Marionia sp. 8

83 - Elysia marginata

84 - Chromodoris sp.

According to Vie Panyarachun, this dapper pinstriped nudi is just a Chromodoris sp.

85 - Philine orca

86 - Phyllidia picta

I think - but there is a yellow margin that doesn't match the book

87 - Thorunna halourga

88 - Dermatobranchus kokonas

89 - Jorunna rubescens

90 - Thorunna furtiva

91 - "Taringa" halgerda

92 - Cadlinella ornatissima

I cannot find the rhinophores from the gills.  I so wish I had spent more time with this trio!!!

93 - Gymnodoris sp. 17

94 - Trinchesia sp. 37

I cannot find the rhinophores from the gills.  I so wish I had spent more time with this trio!!!

95 - Trapania vitta

This poor guy only had half a moustache!  So included this shot of another with a full stache:

96 - Godiva rachelae

97 - Goniobranchus hintuanensis

98 - Goniobranchus rufomaculatus

99 - Hypselodoris whitei

100 - Tambja limaciformis

Now known as Martadoris limaciformis

101 - Chromodoris magnifica

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