Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Like Ice Cream

I feel like I really need to learn my aeolids.  I have been frustrated by them lately.  I used to call everything with a purple stripe down its back “Flabellina rubrolineata” but that name doesn’t even exist anymore and it has been exploded into many species.  I feel like I need my own little special lookup section that describes the differences in “Pam terms”.  Or maybe I just need to wait for NSSI 3rd Edition.

It is actually sunny this morning.  Woot!

Max and Lauren are leaving today and flying to Bali before heading to England.  I am just so in awe of them owning and running this place.  So cool.

I dove without my hood on the first two morning dives.  I practiced using my snoot.  It is a lot of work!

Once in a lifetime nudi on the night dive: Sagaminopteron ornatum.  So cool.  I took so many photos of it.  I told Nikko it was like ice cream!  We had to savor it and look at it from every angle.  So cool.

Oh, I looked it up and I have seen it before, but still.  It FEELS like a once in a lifetime nudi.

Snap, Crackle, Pop – here’s the list:

200 - Phyllidia willani

201 - Hypselodoris bullockii

202 - Goniobranchus kuniei

203 - Dermatobranchus tuberculatus

204 - Dermatobranchus sp. 16

205 - Sagaminopteron ornatum

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