Sunday, December 8, 2024


I accidentally took the resort’s nudi book back to my bungalow last night.  Whoops.  Speaking of which, as I was looking through my well used book, I noticed that there are little bugs/mosquitos dead within almost every page.  Ew.

As I read Sy Montgomery’s book Of Time and Turtles and reflect on Mary Roach’s books, I feel like I could write a Nudibranch themed one in that style.  I started organizing the chapters.  We will see if I’ve got it in me.

The two morning dives were great.  Lots of interesting nudis and even Jorunna rubescens mating.  I forgot that these guys have genital aperture that has the same pattern as their body.  

We also found a Myja longicornis.  What an awful name for such a pretty nudi.

In the afternoon dive, I found two different Jorunna funebris.  I also took my snoot down and reconfigured my arms to see if a third one would be better to have more of an overhead lighting.  I didn’t like it at all.  And it took me 20 minutes alone to do this exercise.  I also managed to lose the little strip that changes the size of the snoot light.  Darn it.

Six of the seven guests at the resort went on the night dive at Matap.  It was still really good but I wasn’t tripping over nudis this time.  I came across a Nembrotha milleri eating a lollipop tunicate.  Later I saw that there was actually a flatworm on it too.  OMG!  It was crazy and I even tried to switch to video.  I was able to get to the video mode but I couldn't get anything to record.  Oh man, I still don't know how to do video with this camera.  I have to work on that.  

Also, we saw a stargazer:


182 - Chromodoris cf. strigata

183 - Phyllidia sp. 3

184 - Phyllidiopsis phiphiensis

185 - Phyllidia cf. exquisita

186 - Myja longicornis

187 - Tritionopsis elegans

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